The above video was taken from Triple F Farms in Pennsylvania, a ferret mill that takes pride in its animals and treats each one like a member of the family….the Charles Manson ‘family’ that is. As the above video shows, despite their claims that the F’s stand for ‘Fun, Fabulous, and Furry’ ferrets, it actually evokes a more raunchy f-word which won’t be relayed here. The company sells these ferrets to PetLand stores, a nationwide chain of pet-stores often derided for their reliance on dog kennels and the like to make money off of animals raised and bred in abhorrent conditions. The above video is disturbing but necessary viewing for anybody who might be ignorant as to where these animals come from and the conditions under which they are bred and live before being placed in stores then eventual homes The video shows untreated animals suffering, with gaping wounds and all sorts of imagery to make you squirm. Again, it’s educational, watch it, then donate to the ASPCA or PETA. Adoption is one of the only ways you can insure yourself as an animal lover that you are not getting a pet from a mill, where, as conditions demonstrate above, your beloved and his brethren are nothing more than mindless animals off of which to make a profit. Triple F is licensed by the USDA and received spotless inspections since 2009, according to publicly available reports. The employee who filmed the above noted that there was never a veterinary technician on staff during his/her employment and that, “Methods of disposing of newborn and young ferrets included burying them alive in feces and throwing them into an incinerator…while others were intentionally killed by workers stepping on them and running them over with feed carts.” Bottom line: anyone who tortures, kills or maims innocent animals for sport is a sick psychopath. I normally don’t agree with PETA on many things, after all they can be kind of extreme in their methods, but on this I applaud them for at least attempting again, graphically, to educate the public on the methods under which animals are kept, bred, live and die in mills built for vending the animals out to retail. Adopt. Let PetLand know how you feel.