Aired on Syrian-based Al-Rai tv, Qaddafi’s audio message vows to fight on, that he will not leave Libya and his enemies are all cowards. Basically, everything you expect to hear from a dictator facing the gallows. Earlier rumors that Qaddafi had taken refuge in neighboring Niger are refuted in the tape, and although no one can be sure it is actually him, it does sound insane enough to be real so experts are relying on identifying Qaddafi’s signature bombastic style to verify the recording. Rebels have surrounded the town of Bani Walid because of the high number of regime loyalists believed to have taken refuge there. Bani Walid is also home to Libya’s Warfala tribe, the nation’s largest, who attempted a coup against Qaddafi in 1993 but were brutally suppressed. Rebels believe Seif al-Islam is within the town of Bani Walid and it is for this reason that so many have come to potentially lay siege to the town. Finding and apprehending Qaddafi and his family is hoped to be the straw that breaks the regime’s figurative back. With Qaddafi apprehended or dead, it is believed that holdout loyalists will surrender after their cause has been so publicly defeated.
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