Watch Money, Power and Wall Street: Part One on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE.
Part II of the PBS special documentary about money, power and politics in the United States. Politics, money, and power are three concepts typically associated together, particularly with regard to the American political system.
Often cited by critics as one of the main democratic deficiencies of the American political system, the convenient marriage of money and power has shaped not only America’s socio-economic makeup but also her political destiny. How has money shaped the contours of power in American society? Does the prevalence of money necessarily have a corrupting influence on politicians, and voters, alike? The financial crisis of 2008 has called into question many of the economic norms that have until now remained unchallenged. Now, with the collapse of financial systems around the world over and anemic recovery barely taking hold, what does the future hold for money and power in politics? Where does Wall Street factor in to the ascension, and possible decline, of American empire?
[Video 1, Video 3, Video 4]
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