Two of our favorites cars from Germany, the Audi A6 and the BMW 5 Series, are both designed to appeal to a similar kind of driver – the one who desires refinement, speed, engineering superiority, craftsmanship, and, of course, opulence and luxury. The BMW 5 Series has long been the segment leader but the latest models from Audi have kicked up the styling game and highlighted Audi’s racetrack and performance history to make it a solid contender, if not better, than Bavaria’s reigning car. The feminine mystique of the BMW 5 Series has eschewed the controversial styling introduced to the brand by Chris Bangle and the Audi’s techno-lux profile’s commanding presence can’t be denied. The folks from AutoWeek give you a thorough rundown of the two vehicles and we trust their opinion. Pardon the Dutch, but it comes with easy to read subtitles.