News Headlines October 19, 2014: ISIS and the Battle for Kobane, Beijing Runners Wear Gas Masks, Spanish Ebola Victim Clear

Battle for Kobane Continues, Beijing Runners Finish Marathon in Gas Masks, Spanish Nurse Now Free of Ebola

Kobane War: Kurds vs İslamic State (ISIS) real battle in Kobane (YPG – IŞİD Çatışması)
01. Worlds News: Beijing Marathon Runners finish Race in Gas Masks
02. World News:Der Spiegel – German Intelligence Claims Pro-Russian Group Shot down Malaysian Airlines Flight
03. Health: Spanish Nurse Once Thought to be Ebola Victim Now Clear of Ebola
04. World Economy:People’s Republic of China (PRC) Threatens to Curb Vehicle Production If Automakers Fail to Meet 2015 Fuel and Safety Standards
05. World News:Hamas Claims to Be Building New Infiltration Tunnels Into Israel

Hamas Claims New Tunnel Constructed Into Israel, China Threatens to Shame Automakers Who Fail to Meet Environment Goals

06. Health: Fidel Castro Offers US Assistance in Combating Ebola
07. World News:Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – Huge Number of Casualties in Battle for Kobane
08. World News:Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) Release Social Media Guidelines for Jihadis
09. World News:21-Year Old Woman’s Perspective of the North Korean (DPRK) Regime: Mother Executed for Watching Western Films
10. Global Economy:Russian Banks Face Pressures from Contracting Economy – Ruble Continues to Fall

Russian Economy Continues Decline As Sanctions Take Toll, Brutality of Life in the DPRK, ISIS Issues Social Media Handbook for Jihadis