2001: A Space Odyssey Official Re-Release Trailer (2014) – Stanley Kubrick Movie HD
Arthur C. Clark‘s narrative and Stanley Kubrick‘s vision come together in this epic film about outer space that is, in every way, the quintessential movie about outer space.
2001: A Space Odyssey is a masterpiece in every meaning of the word. If you have not seen this movie, you need to watch it. Now. A technical masterpiece for its time and showing no real signs of its age today, 2001 is the bedrock of serious science fiction cinema and Arthur C. Clark‘s novel of the same name is foundational in establishing a serious narrative around the questions of human existence and the meaning thereof, outer space, and the nature of artificial intelligence. No film captures the promise and terrors of “perfect technology,” nor does any film so deftly convey the vast mystery and void that is space – a realm, truly, beyond most human comprehension. Cinematography, narrative, the acting, the setting, and the score (wow, the score…a topic for another blog post entirely) all come together in a presentation of perfection in artistry that has not been duplicated.