FALLOUT 1 Story and Lore
The original Fallout takes place in the year 2161, 84 years after the shortest yet most destructive war mankind had ever waged against one another: a two-hour-long conflagration which burned the sky and toppled civilization.
Yet, that was not the end. In the irradiated, barren wastelands that remain, some semblance of humanity perseveres, dwelling either on the dead surface or deep within one of Vault Tec’s many underground vaults.
As the player, you’re a member of Vault 13, located somewhere in Southern California. Your quest is simple – find a replacement water purification chip for Vault 13 within 150 days, or everyone you love dies. It only gets better from there. If you have yet to experience this game, you need to pick it up on Amazon – today.
Gritty, well-written, and just all-around classic PC video game, Fallout can’t help but leave an impression on you from the first moment you play it. The narrative is strong, the role playing game elements feel just right, and the pacing/difficulty are pretty close to perfect. It’s aged well, and, while Fallout 2 is somewhat of a perfected version of Fallout 1, you really can’t go wrong with these two games in the series. Start with Fallout 1 and then take your quest from there my friend.