Turkish Prime Minister: Recep Tayyip Erdogan Denying the Armenian Genocide on CNN 13-04-2010
Headline News for April 23, 2015 – German President Recognizes Armenian Genocide, Swedish Personal Debt Burden Grows Despite Reforms, Saudi Arabia Beheads Maid
- Pro-Russian Rebels Open Fire on Ukrainian Military in Mariupol According to the BBC
- NASA to Build World’s Largest Telescope by 2018
- European Union Leaders to Declare Common Stance on Migrants Issue
- Bees Addicted to Neonicotinoids, a Common Pesticide Ingredient, Study Finds
- Saudi Arabia Beheads Indonesian Maid Despite Indonesia’s Protests
- Ireland Considers Decriminalizing Marijuana
- Study Shows Sugar and Carbohydrates in Excess Contributes More to Obesity than Lack of Physical Activity
- Deutsche Bank to Pay $2.5 Billion Fine in Rate-Rigging Case
- German President Calls Ottoman Slaughter of Armenians “Genocide”
- Swedish Financial Reforms Have Done Little to Alleviate Crushing Personal Debt Burden