New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady will be suspended by commissioner Roger Goodell for his role in Deflategate
New England Patriots’ quarterback Tom Brady will be suspended by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell for his role in the deflategate underinflated footballs controversy that erupted earlier this year. This suspension will be the highest profile suspension of a player in the 96 year history of the National Football League, according to New York Daily News. The Wells Report implicated the star quarterback in a scandal involving deliberately underinflated footballs and Roger Goodell reportedly finds the report sufficient evidence of Tom Brady cheating yet it is unclear the length of suspension that the commissioner will hand down to Brady. The Patriots will likely face fines, as the team did in the 2007 SpyGate controversy though Bill Belichick is not involved in the Deflategate drama. Players and teams alike will be closely watching how the NFL handles this controversy as it is rare for the league to sanction such an otherwise beloved player who, along with Payton Manning, is one of the most popular NFL quarterbacks in a generation. Regardless, the league feels the report unambiguosly implicates New England’s golden boy and, for many people who already hate the Patriots as an organization, that’s all that’s needed.
[New York Daily News: Tom Brady will be suspended by Roger Goodell for role in DeflateGate, announcement expected next week, Sports Illustrated: Report: Tom Brady to be suspended for role in Deflategate]
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