Kim Jong-un executes DPRK Defence Chief Hyon Yong-chol according to South Korea intelligence sources
North Korea Defence Chief Hyon Yong-chol ‘executed’ – BBC News
South Korean lawmaker Shin Kyoung-min reported the Republic of Korea’s National Intelligence Service revealed to a committee in a meeting today that DPRK Defence Chief, People’s Armed Forces Minister Hyon Yong-chol was executed by order of Kim Jong-un using anti-aircraft guns in Pyongyang in late April of this year. With the addition of Hyon Yong-chol, every pallbearer during Kim Jong-il‘s funeral has either been purged or exiled from leadership positions as Kim Jong-un consolidates his power over the regime. While most reports out of North Korea are difficult to confirm, the execution mirrors previous executions initiated by the young leader of the DPRK, including that of his uncle Jang Song-thaek.
[New York Post: North Korea executed defense chief for sleeping at meeting]
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