Deranged fan kicks Carabobo FC’s Aquiles Ocanto in the back on live television
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Wow, sometimes fans take things a little too seriously, as is the case in the video above. Aquiles Ocanto, a player for Carabobo FC in Venezuela, was kicked in the back by a deranged fan while conducting an interview on live television.
Carabobo FC released the following tweet following the attack confirming that Ocanto was ok, was also condemning violence in footbal:
Aquiles Ocanto se encuentra bien y sin ningún tipo lesión. De igual forma, rechazamos este tipo de actos y la violencia en el fútbol.
Achilles Ocanto is well and without any injury type . Similarly , we reject such acts and violence in football.
Carabobo is a top tier team in Venezuela based in the city of Valencia. The game with Aragua was a draw at 0-0. The fan who kicked Aquiles Ocanto apparently fled without being apprehended.
[UniLad: Angry Football Fan Flying Kicks Player During Live TV Interview, The Independent: Venezuelan footballer Aquiles Ocanto drop-kicked in the back during a live TV interview by an angry fan]
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