Trident submarine comes under scrutiny, GCHQ exempty from prosecution for hacking, Ecuador breaks reforestation record
Ancient sites destroyed by Isil – in 60 seconds
- Afghan Man Has Successful Hand Transplant from Christian Donor
- UK Passes Law Allowing GCHQ Immunity from Prosecution Hacking Private Phones and Computers
- Trident Whistleblower: “A disaster waiting to happen”
- Ecuador Passes Guinness Reforestation Record with 6,47,250 Trees in One Day
- Canada’s Police Begin Wearing Body Cameras
French mayor claims France will ban Islam in the future, Syria drives ISIS away from Palmyra, it’s raining spiders in Australia, 1000 Japanese people sue the Japanese government, Saudi Arabian airstrikes destroy Yemeni cultural sites
- French mayor expelled for claiming Islam will be banned from France by 2027
- Syria army pushes ISIS back from ancient Palmyra, “There was no damage to the ruins”, says antiquities chief Mamoun Abdulkarim
- Spiders Rain Down On Australia: Millions Reportedly Descended
- Over 1000 Japanese Citizens Band Together To Sue Their Government Over Participation In TPP
- Saudi jets target and destroy 1200 year old historic mosque and 13th century castle, among other Yemeni heritage sites
Massive crowd in Sanaa protest Saudi strikes in Yemen
In other headlines/news this week:
News Headlines for May 15, 2015: Recording Suggests ISIS Leader Alive, Norway Teens Kidnap Penguins, PRC Reduces Emissions
News Headlines for May 14, 2015: Hyon Yong-chol Alive in North Korea, ISIS Number 2 Reportedly Dead, NATO in the Baltics
News Headlines for May 13, 2015: PM Cameron Moves on Terror, BBC and Tory Controversy, Palestine Recognized by Vatican, Russian Fear Invasion
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