New England football star slams processed foods as being “poison for kids” yet still made money advertising Coca Cola products
Tom Brady Calls Coca-Cola ‘Poison’ for Kids from ABC News
In another non-story this week, New England quarterback Tom Brady condemned Coca Cola and Frosted Flakes maker General Mills’ products as being “poison for kids” yet these ethical considerations did not stop him from representing Glacéau’s “Smart Water” brand, which is a unit of Coca Cola, back in 2007. An article from 2007, Tom Brady adds some muscle to Glacau water line, states: “Brady said he drinks Smartwater as an alternative to ‘sugary’ drinks. “It’s a replacement product that’s better for you, whether I’m working out or for the morning when I wake up,” he said Tuesday in a phone interview from a Smartwater ad shoot in Boston. ‘If you’re going to put something in your body, it may as well be something that’s efficient.'” As anyone with a brain will tell you, the best water is water, which is all SmartWater is. So, thank you Tom Brady for endorsing bottled water, nature’s most inefficient method of water delivery available. And while being SmartWater’s dude isn’t the same as being VitaminWater’s guy, VitaminWater is the other product Glacéau hawks and it’s loaded with crap. I guess my point is, and I’m a New England fan, comments like Tom Brady’s smack of classism and elitism. Many of the people who buy heavily processed foods do so because they are among the cheaper options available on the market. Condemning another person’s diet from the standpoint of health is all well and good if you intend on feeding that person, if not you are possibly just making a comment about someone’s inability to shop at WholeFoods or whatever fad market is on the corner. Healthy living is important, but the ability to consider one’s self before speaking is even more important. Tom Brady’s opinions really matter very little outside of his ability to produce on the football field; that said, between telling people what they already know and endorsing Donald Trump for president, this dude better keep winning because that is all that makes this obnoxious stuff palatable. Healthy living is wicked important though, kids. Don’t guzzle that stuff down like it’s the last bottle shipping out of Atlanta.
[New York Post: Tom Brady’s Bizarre Rant Against Coca Cola]