Abernethy and Shine names co-presidents of Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network
Fox News Names Jack Abernethy, Bill Shine New Co-Presidents | CNBC
Following accussations of sexual impropriety, Fox News chief Roger Ailes was summarily ousted from his long-held position atop the conservative news network’s hierarchy and left behind him a leadership void of immense proportions. On August 12, 2016, Twenty-First Century Fox assigned Jack Abernethy and Bill Shine to serve as co-presidents of Fox News.
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Abernethy and Shine are long-time Twenty-First Century Fox executives. While Roger Ailes denies any claims of sexual impropriety, the scandal was becoming a pall hanging over the network’s 2016 US Presidential Election coverage.
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Abernethy, chief executive of Fox Television Studios, and Shine, a senior vice-president and close to company founder Rupert Murdoch, will share the job of running Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network, with Aberneth handling finance, ad sales, and distribution and Shine focusing on program scheduling and management.
“While this has been a time of great transition, there has never been a greater opportunity for Fox News and Fox Business to better serve and expand their audiences. Together with our worldwide team of dedicated professionals, we are the most influential and powerful brand in television,”
– Rupert Murdoch
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