Theresa May reaffirms her belief in a strong EU-UK relationship post-Brexit
FULL SPEECH: Theresa May announces Brexit plan at Conservative Party conference
The United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Theresa May said the UK would seek an “ambitious” economic settlement that benefits both parties when it begins negotiations with the European Union concerning the UK leaving the organization as per the results of the “Brexit” referendum. Theresa May said a strong European Union and good relations between the EU and UK were the goal of any such talks.
The Prime Minister did not rule out proposals put forward by Brexit secretary David Davis that would see the United Kingdom paying a fee to retain access to the single market. “Crucially this is not about how retain bits of what we’ve already got, but what our new relationship is, and I think our relationship is not the UK as a supplicant into the EU…I want the deal that’s right for the UK and for the EU,” Theresa May said. The Prime Minister made these statements while on a trade trip to the Gulf states and reiterated her belief that a strong European Union was in the best interests of both countries but that the coming negotiations about triggering article 50 and leaving the European Union will be very complex.
[The Guardian]
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