‘Great nation is in danger of becoming a pariah nation’: Boris Johnson’s speech at Syria debate from RT
UK Conservative Party MP Andrew Mitchell inquires of Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson about what the United Kingdom can do in terms of humanitarian aid for the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo.
An emergency debate in the House of Commons will focus on UK action to prevent more civilian deaths in Aleppo as the Assad regime tightens its hold on the once-rebel-held city, one of the last in the country. Andrew Mitchell co-chaired a parliamentary Friends of Syria group with Labor MP Jo Cox and is working to use British influence and diplomatic power to aid civilians in the city, saying, “The house should urgently discuss not ‘something must be done,’ but what in the name of humanity we, the international community, will do to save those who today are in such dreadful jeopardy.”
The Red Cross has made an appeal for the safe passage of civilians out of the areas currently under bombardment by the Assad regime who are bolstered by militias back by Iran and airstrikes by the Russian Federation.
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[The Guardian – MPs to debate how UK can help civilians trapped in Aleppo ‘hellhole’]
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