Charities express fears that doctors and nurses in rebel-held areas could be treated mercilessly by Assad regime
‘Cynical & indifferent’: Russian MoD slams Red Cross statement on shelling of hospital in Aleppo from RT
It is dangerous for doctors and nurses representing charity organizations to remain in the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo as the government in Damascus has expressed a “no mercy” policy with regard to the rebels remaining in the area. A ceasefire coming into effect on December 13, 2016 to allow free movement of refugees from rebel-held areas of Aleppo. “Doctors have been targeted since the beginning of the crisis for doing their medical duty. Those who chose to stay in Aleppo, the heart of the opposition, are at severe risk in government areas” according to Dr Zaher Sahloul, a former president of the Syrian American Medical Society.
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[ The Guardian – Medics in Aleppo fear being killed or tortured for saving lives ]
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