Aleppo turning into massive quagmire for all sides as reports of fighting’s resumption leads to UN investigation
Fighting Reportedly Resumes In Aleppo Hours After Ceasefire | MSNBC
The ceasefire agreement gave opposition fighters an opportunity to leave Aleppo peacefully, using the southwestern flank toward and going towards the Syrian hinterlands still held by rebels along with their personal weapons. This last point was extremely contentious and may have led to the resumption of hostilities. On Tuesday, December 13, 2016, before the cease-fire went into effect, the United Nations said at least 82 civilians were killed in the fighting. According to the LA Times: “Late that day, the green buses used to shuttle opposition fighters out were reported to have arrived in Aleppo, according to pro-government groups. But they had remained empty, and residents from within rebel areas said there had been no evacuations.”
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[The Los Angeles Times – The evacuation buses finally arrived – but Aleppo has descended back into violence]
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