Michael Hayden points fingers at Vladimir Putin’s administration for 2016 US Presidential election hacking
Ex-CIA chief says Putin behind US hack – BBC News
Former director of the CIA General Michael Hayden claims the “hacking allegations” were a boon for Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, “I would put this in the win column as one of the most successful covert actions, covert influence programmes in the history of covert influence programmes.”
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Michael V. Hayden is currently a principal at the Chertoff Group and a visiting professor at George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government. Hayden was director of the National Security Agency from 1999 to 2005 and the Central Intelligence Agency from 2006 to 2009. Writing for the Washington Post, Hayden says “There has always been a sympathetic authoritarian chord between the Republican presidential nominee and the Russian president. Both are on record as admiring The Strong Leader. They’ve even complimented one another on the trait. Putin could have been humming along when Trump was claiming “I alone can fix it” during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. Maybe he was.”
Comparing Trump to a conspiratorial Marxist, Hayden highlights Trump’s earlier claims that the 2016 US Presidential Election would be rigged in Hillary Clinton’s favor. With the opposite outcome, some question whether Trump’s calls for Vladimir Putin to “hack Hillary’s emails” in some way influenced the leader of the Russian Federation to direct Russian intelligence agencies to do so. Addressing allegations of Russian hacking, President-elect Trump said: ““Our country has no idea,” “I don’t think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC. . . . It could also be lots of other people…They always blame Russia.””
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