Controversial Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte explains his comments about his former passtime of murdering drug dealers
Duterte killings claim ‘not literal’ – BBC News
After coming under fire both internationally and domestically, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte explained his comments about enjoying vigilante justice and murdering drug dealers.
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Duterte confirmed today that he did indeed kill drug dealers while serving as mayor of Davao, saying “I killed about three of them because there were three of them…I don’t really know how many bullets from my gun went inside their bodies. It happened. I cannot lie about it.”
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The comments that initially drew controversy were delivered in a speech on Monday December 13, 2016: “And I’d go around in Davao with a motorcycle, with a big bike around, and I would just patrol the streets, looking for trouble, also…I was really looking for a confrontation, so I could kill.” In previous days, members of government such as Justice Minister Vitaliano Aguirre II claimed that Duterte has a tendency to exaggerate, but with today’s confirmation there remains little doubt that Duterte killed drug deals in Davao in cold blood.
Related Articles: President Duterte of the Philippines Brags About Killing Drug Dealers
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[The New York Times – ‘I Cannot Lie,’ Rodrigo Duterte Says, Confirming He Did Kill People as Mayor]
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