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How Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin is using division in western countries to his advantage
Political Strains In West Serve Vladimir Putin Goals | Rachel Maddow | MSNBCfrom MSNBC on YouTube
Rachel Maddow discusses how Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin is using the discord among politicians and the public in western democracies to his advantage – citing the Brexit example, Donald Trump’s election, and the upcoming elections in Germany and France. What does President Putin have to gain from this chaos? A couple of theories. Recognition of Russia’s occupation of the Ukraine being among them but also maybe, just maybe, a chance at restoring a fraction of the hegemony the old Soviet Union held in the region? Only Putin and his allies know for sure what Russia’s trajectory is but the West is on high alert ever since revelations of Russian interference in the US election (see also, Russiagate).
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TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read)
- Russia may have interfered with the United States Presidential Election in a substantive way
- There are allegations that Russia also worked to influence the Brexit vote in Britain
- Potential Russian goals in this manipulation would be recognition of its occupation of Crimea and the removal of sanctions
- There is also the ever-looming (some would say ever-imaginary) Red Menace theme about it all – Soviet hegemony, regional power, etc.
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We just published an article today talking about FBI Director James Comey’s desire to release Russiagate information back in the summer of 2016 – allegedly blocked by Obama officials. You can check out the Newsweek sourced article here: FBI Director James Comey Wanted to Reveal Russian Wiretapping of 2016 Election
We also published an article about the upcoming French elections, a major event analysts are watching for signs of Russian interference, particularly in favor of right wing candidate Marine Le Pen. You can read that by clicking here.
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[MSNBC – Political Strains In West Serve Vladimir Putin Goals | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC]
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