Kim Jong-un’s response to world sanctions follows a familiar pattern – this time, US President Trump gazes over a graveyard that was once the US military base on Guam
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea issued a new threat to US President Donald Trump in response to the sanctions levied against it by the United Nations as punishment for its pursuit of a nuclear weapons program and intercontinental ballistic missile deterrent.
A video showing the US President looking over a field of crosses alludes to the DPRK’s purported capability to miniaturize a nuclear warhead and deliver it on a missile that could reach the United States military base on Guam. This is not a new type of threat nor is the packaging substantially different from those in the past. The video above also attacks South Korea’s defense minister Song Young-moo for being a puppet of the United States.
In an aside, the Korean Central News Agency release remarks that Donald Trump is given to tweeting “weird articles of his ego driven thoughts” and accused the US President of “spouting rubbish.”
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These comments come as the United States and South Korea engage in an annual military drill on the Korean peninsula. These exercises are aimed at developing combat synergy between the two forces should war break out between North Korea and the United States or South Korea.
In a comment to a Korean Central News Agency journalist, a DPRK military official commented: “”The U.S. will be wholly held accountable for the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by such reckless aggressive war maneuvers, as it chose a military confrontation [with North Korea].”
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The United Nations sanctions on North Korea are already having an impact on the regime’s ability to generate hard currency. A report from Fox News states that a chemical weapons shipment bound for Syria from the DPRK was intercepted en route.
A United Nations agent revealed to Reuters that both of the shipments were intended for delivery to Syria’s governmental agency responsible for the development of chemical weapons. Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons against Syrian counter-government insurgents was a cause of international condemnation and is used as evidence that the Assad regime is a murderous dictatorship bent on maintaining power at all costs.
These items are allegedly from the Korean Mining Development Trading Corporation, an organization believed to be North Korea’s top arms dealer and exporter of raw materials for ballistic weapons manufacture.
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North Korea’s diplomat to the United Nations Ju Yong Chol called the weapons development program “justifiable” at a United Nations disarmament conference held August 22, 2017. The diplomat told the UN-sponsored Conference on Disarmament that North Korea would never surrender its nuclear weapons capability, a deterrent the nation sees as vital to its survival.
“The measures taken by the DPRK (North Korea) to strengthen its nuclear deterrence and develop inter-continental rockets is justifiable and a legitimate option for self-defense in the face of such apparent and real threats…As long as the U.S. hostile policy and nuclear threat remains unchallenged, the DPRK will never place its self-defensive nuclear deterrence on the negotiating table.”
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