Italian Politics


Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi Asked to Stay On After Budget Defeat

A new government to form in the wake of Prime Minister Renzi’s resignation What Happens After Italy’s Matteo Renzi Quits? from Wall Street Journal Embattled Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was asked to remain in office until a budget is passed by parliament. Prime Minister Renzi submitted his resignation after the defeat of a much-publicized pleibiscite […]

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Mario Monti Called Upon by Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to Form a Government.

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has called upon popular technocrat and Senator for life Mario Monti to form a government to tackle Italy’s growing sovereign debt crisis. Berlusconi’s party, the People of Liberty, promised to only cooperate for as long as it takes to pass through the necessary measures to reduce Italy’s $2.6 trillion public debt. […]

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