
Apple Watch Edition

Will Apple Watch Hurt Swiss Luxury Watch Makers?

Wall Street Journal: Will Apple Watch Eclipse the Classic Swiss Watch? Will the Apple Watch Edition hurt traditional Swiss timepiece watch manufacturers like Rolex? Unlikely, according to industry experts, and, in fact, the Apple Watch line could even help the luxury timepiece market by re-establishing demand for luxury wrist and moving certain functions taken over […]

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Edward Snowden Reveals Himself As Leak of NSA Information in Prism Scandal

Edward Snowden reveals himself as the informant in the NSA Prism scandal. A former CIA contract employee, Edward Snowden is now in Hong Kong awaiting possible extradition to the United States. A current contract employee for defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, Snowden claims he revealed the information to protect peoples’ freedoms and liberties around the […]

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Rogue Trader at UBS loses $2 billion.

Swiss bank UBS lost around $2 billion dollars due to the fraud of a rogue trader Kweku Adoboli. UBS is the largest bank in Switzerland and this scandal does nothing to assure investors and depositors of its oversight procedures. This latest rogue trader scandal comes a few years after Societe Generale’s Jerome Kerviel perpetrated the […]

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Who holds the most gold in the world? We do.

(in tonnes – due to the wild fluctuation of the price of gold) 1. US 8,133.5 2. Germany 3,401.0 3. The IMF 2,846.7 4. Italy 2,451.8 5. France 2,435.4 6. China, 1,054.1 7. Switzerland 1,040.1 8. Russia 775.2 9. Japan 765.2 10. Netherlands 615.5 With the value of gold skyrocketing due to economic uncertainties surrounding […]

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