
Science & Technology

Samsung and Amazon Dominate Android Tablet Marketshare

App service and ad service Datalytics released information on January 10 that showed the Amazon Kindle and Samsung’s family of tablets dominate the top tier of ad impressions among Android tablets. While not an actual measure of devices being sold in the market, it is a fairly good indicator of which devices are being used to browse around on […]

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Science & Technology

The Future is Windows 8: How Microsoft’s Radical Redesign Moves the Industry Forward

The release of Microsoft’s Windows 8 inaugurated a new era for the software giant in terms of integrating its vaunted, desktop-dominant Windows operating system with the myriad of new electronic devices that are on the market today, including: smartphones, tablets, hybrid tablet/laptops, and even television sets. While the new interface of Windows 8 is a […]

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Science & Technology

Wal-Mart to Stop Selling Amazon’s Kindle Tablets and eReaders

In a sign of the growing overlap in product lines between the two retail giants, Wal-Mart has announced it will stop selling competitor Amazon’s Kindle in its stores once the current inventory runs through. Though Wal-Mart is massive in terms of brick-and-mortar stores, it is small in the online space where Amazon is king and […]

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